xImportant Alerts

Please remember that Jefferson Bank will never contact you and ask you for personal information. Should you ever feel like your information has been compromised, please contact us at (210) 736-7600.

Scam Alert - Wardriving

Wardriving is the act of searching for wireless networks by a person in a moving vehicle, by foot, or by bicycle, using a portable computer, smartphone or other device in an attempt to access proprietary information on unsecured wireless systems. Software for wardriving is freely available on the Internet and can fall easily into the hands of individuals with intent to access information for malicious reasons.

Unprotected or unsecured wireless networks can be very easy to infiltrate. Criminals can take over your connection to obtain your customers’ information and commit fraud or steal personal information. This is more likely to happen when wireless connections are left open. This opens the door for anyone to use your internet, monitor your activity or steal your information.

How to Protect Against Wardriving

Due to the act of wardriving, the FBI and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommend that wireless networks be secured. While it is almost impossible to detect whether someone has captured another’s network information, if secure, the chances for unauthorized access are less likely to occur. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) encryption should not be your sole means of security. WPA (WiFi Protected Access) encryption offers a higher degree of protection and should be used along with WEP. It is important that your default router identification and password are changed and that a firewall and anti-virus software are used on your network.

What You Should Do

  1. Change your default router identification and password
  2. Use a firewall and anti-virus software for your network

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