xImportant Alerts

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Scam Alert - Scareware Anti-Virus Scam

Scareware is malicious software that poses as legitimate computer security software and claims that there has been a detection of several threats on an affected computer that do not actually exist.

  • The Infection - It is usually an on-screen message designed to appear as if it has been generated from the victim’s own computer and indicates that a virus attack has occurred.
  • The Attack - Users are then barraged with aggressive notifications to purchase the scareware (fake anti-virus software) in order to repair their computer.
  • Virus Remains - Once the product is “purchased,” the screen will unfreeze, however, the computer will continue to be infected with viruses and malware.

There is a variation of this anti-virus scam, in which the victim receives a phone call from a fraudster claiming to represent a reputable security software firm and offering to provide technical support to help resolve a computer virus issue. The fraudster seeks the victim’s approval, remotely accesses the victim’s computer, and tries to sell the victim a fake anti-virus maintenance package, which is purchased with the victim’s card information.

Tips to spotting a potential scareware infection on your computer

  • Windows update fails to run
  • Other legitimate security applications won’t update
  • Certain websites, especially Internet security sites, won’t load

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