Bank Holidays

Our banking centers will be closed for the following holidays:

New Year's Day

Monday, January 1


Monday, January 20

Presidents' Day

Monday, February 17

Fiesta Friday (Downtown San Antonio location only)

Friday, May 2

Memorial Day 

Monday, May 26


Thursday, June 19

Independence Day

Friday, July 4

Labor Day

Monday, September 1

Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples' Day

Monday, October 13

Veterans Day

Tuesday, November 11

Thanksgiving Day

Thursday, November 27

Christmas Eve (Close at noon)

Wednesday, December 24

Christmas Day

Thursday, December 25

Notices & Disclosures

Important Contacts

Customer Service: (210) 736-7600

Customer Service Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

Jeff Line: (833) JEFF LINE or (833) 533-3546

After Hours:
If your Debit Card has been lost or stolen call (888) 297-3416 (U.S.) or (206) 389-5200 (international) OR if you have Online Banking, you can login and cancel your card immediately.

Notice: To protect your confidential information, please do not include account numbers or Social Security Numbers in your email message. Please contact us by phone directly at (210) 736-7600 to discuss confidential information.