
Community Crew

Our most satisfying return on investment: Making lives better in the communities we serve.

2024 Total Volunteer hours

from 211 Jefferson Bank Volunteers


2024 Organizations Served


2024 Economic Impact for Community Organizations

An important personal life goal many of our team members share is helping to improve the lives of others.

The leadership of Jefferson Bank is dedicated to providing employees with ample opportunity to achieve that ambition. Our corporate culture supports and encourages community service. Our employees may be tellers, personal banking specialists, lending officers, trust and estate advisors and more, but they are also scout leaders, little league coaches, counselors for single moms, advocates for children in need and volunteers for community causes.

Rachel Trevino (Trust) helping load bags of school supplies intended  for teachers in Edgewood ISD and Southwest ISD through the United Way’s Write  Start Project.

Rachel Trevino (Trust) helping load bags of school supplies intended for teachers in Edgewood ISD and Southwest ISD through the United Way’s Write Start Project.

Beautification project at Morgan’s Wonderland Sports Complex. pictured left to right: Suzanne Terry (Commercial), Alice Hernandez (Trust), Pat  Dixon (Trust), & Estrellita Garcia-Diaz (CRA)

Beautification project at Morgan’s Wonderland Sports Complex. Pictured left to right: Suzanne Terry (Commercial), Alice Hernandez (Trust), Pat Dixon (Trust), & Estrellita Garcia-Diaz (CRA)

Volunteering at the San Antonio Food Bank preparing lunch trays for  children and seniors who participate in various programs throughout San  Antonio. pictured left to right: Max Vega (Mortgage), Larry Ratcliff (IT), Liz Garza,  Kathy Cunningham (Accounting), and Sharna Zimmerman (Mortgage)

Volunteering at the San Antonio Food Bank preparing lunch trays for children and seniors who participate in various programs throughout San Antonio. Pictured left to right: Max Vega (Mortgage), Larry Ratcliff (IT), Liz Garza, Kathy Cunningham (Accounting), and Sharna Zimmerman (Mortgage)

Volunteering at the Texas Diaper Bank re-packaging donated adult  diapers for distribution. pictured left to right: Melissa Johnson (Contact Center),  Lorraine Valera (DTBC), and Debbie Andrew (Compliance)

Volunteering at the Texas Diaper Bank re-packaging donated adult diapers for distribution. Pictured left to right: Melissa Johnson (Contact Center), Lorraine Valera (DTBC), and Debbie Andrew (Compliance)

Volunteering at the Texas Diaper Bank Re-packaging donated adult  diapers for distribution. Pictured: Estrellita Garcia-Diaz (CRA)

Volunteering at the Texas Diaper Bank Re-packaging donated adult diapers for distribution. Pictured: Estrellita Garcia-Diaz (CRA)

Team building volunteer event with SAMMinistries sorting and pricing  donated Christmas gifts to be distributed to children/families participating in  SAMMinistries programming. pictured left to right: Ashley Campbell (BSA),  Brenda Reyes (BSA), and Rosie Uriegas (BSA)

Team building volunteer event with SAMMinistries sorting and pricing donated Christmas gifts to be distributed to children/families participating in SAMMinistries programming. Pictured left to right: Ashley Campbell (BSA), Brenda Reyes (BSA), and Rosie Uriegas (BSA)

Jefferson Bank volunteers getting a tour of the San Antonio Humane  Society before a day volunteering in their Pup-arazzi volunteer event.

Jefferson Bank volunteers getting a tour of the San Antonio Humane Society before a day volunteering in their Pup-arazzi volunteer event.

Alyssa Wilcia (Training) trying to get the perfect pose with one of the  Humane Society’s residents during the Pup-arazzi event where volunteers were  tasked with shooting photos and videos of dogs who were ready for adoption.

Alyssa Wilcia (Training) trying to get the perfect pose with one of the Humane Society’s residents during the Pup-arazzi event where volunteers were tasked with shooting photos and videos of dogs who were ready for adoption.

Group photo of volunteers who attended the SA Humane Society’s  Pup-arazzi volunteer event. Pictured left to right top: Ayssa Wilcia (Training),  Isaac Jimenez (Loan Ops), Robert Ochoa (President of SA Humane Society Board of Directors/Commercial), Christina Garza (Mortgage), Stevie Gaskins  (Customer Contact Center), Melissa Akers (Mortgage), Vilma Pena (Private  Banking), Lupe Garcia (Deposit Ops), and Yvette Burgos (Fraud)  Bottom: Debbie Andrew (Compliance) and Kathy Cunningham (Accounting)

Volunteers who attended the SA Humane Society’s Pup-arazzi. Left to right: Ayssa Wilcia (Training),  Isaac Jimenez (Loan Ops), Robert Ochoa, Christina Garza (Mortgage), Stevie Gaskins (Customer Contact Center), Melissa Akers (Mortgage), Vilma Pena (Private  Banking), Lupe Garcia (Deposit Ops), and Yvette Burgos (Fraud) Debbie Andrew (Compliance), Kathy Cunningham (Accounting)

Katie Anderson (no longer employed here) and Estrellita Garcia Diaz (CRA) volunteering at our annual Habitat for Humanity Fall Build.

Katie Anderson and Estrellita Garcia Diaz (CRA) volunteering at our annual Habitat for Humanity Fall Build.

Robert Ochoa (Commercial) trying to get the perfect pose with one  of the Humane Society’s residents during the Pup-arazzi event where volunteers  were tasked with shooting photos and videos of dogs who were ready for  adoption.

Robert Ochoa (Commercial) trying to get the perfect pose with one of the Humane Society’s residents during the Pup-arazzi event where volunteers were tasked with shooting photos and videos of dogs who were ready for adoption.


Melody Esquivel (Human Resources) teaching the Money Monsters  financial literacy to participants (K-5) in SAMMinistries’ After School Program.

Melody Esquivel (Human Resources) teaching the Money Monsters financial literacy to participants (K-5) in SAMMinistries’ After School Program.


Jefferson Bank Community Crew - Working Together. Making a Difference.
They’re known as the Community Crew.

And for good reason. They are actively involved in helping San Antonio, Austin, Boerne, and New Braunfels continue to grow as vibrant, caring cities. Every year, they devote hundreds of hours to area charities, youth groups, senior service organizations, and many more.

Promoting Education

Volunteering time to organizations committed to growth through knowledge and youth education programs.

Advocating Economic Development and Revitalization

Helping build affordable housing, supporting financial literacy programs, and many more.

Fighting Hunger

Supporting food banks and delivering thousands of meals to those in need.

Modeling Mentorship

Developing young minds for future citizenship and leadership.

Supporting Causes

Dedicating hundreds of hours to participating with fundraising activities of area charities.

Improving Health

Raising awareness of the benefits of fitness and well-being by partnering with area health care groups.

If your nonprofit organization is in need of funding or volunteer assistance, we may be able to support your efforts. Simply click below to review our eligibility requirements and access the official application form.

Donation Application

Notices & Disclosures

Important Contacts

Customer Service: (210) 736-7600

Customer Service Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

Jeff Line: (833) JEFF LINE or (833) 533-3546

After Hours:
If your Debit Card has been lost or stolen call (888) 297-3416 (U.S.) or (206) 389-5200 (international) OR if you have Online Banking, you can login and cancel your card immediately.

Notice: To protect your confidential information, please do not include account numbers or Social Security Numbers in your email message. Please contact us by phone directly at (210) 736-7600 to discuss confidential information.