xImportant Alerts

Please remember that Jefferson Bank will never contact you and ask you for personal information. Should you ever feel like your information has been compromised, please contact us at (210) 736-7600.

Scam Alert - Trolling—Hacking Trend Warning

Securing your network is of extreme importance, as attacks typically involve malware implanted by hackers, as is the case with nearly half of the breaches investigated by the Secret Service.

Smaller merchants, level 4 merchants*, open their network to common Internet threats as their technology is upgraded and systems are integrated. If you are not PCI compliant, your risk is greater. It is important to educate yourself on what requirements this involves.

Tips to stay on guard

To ensure security of your system when attempting to fight-off hackers, please take the following into consideration:

  • Update your system with reputable, anti-virus/malware product and be certain to remain current with the most up-to-date program.
  • Use a local firewall when possible.
  • Be sure to scan all email attachments and downloads prior to use.
  • Always verify the SSL Certificate before logging into a website. Click the lock icon to the right of the address bar and view certificate to ensure the information matches the website you are on.
  • Passwords should be strong, and varied; avoid using the same password for several different websites.
  • Use multi-factor authentication when offered as additional security.
  • The most secure way to transfer data is to use a secured thumb drive or other form of secured storage.
  • Be wary of social media sites; your information and your data can be easily accessed and shared by many.
  • Keep your passwords/usernames secure; do NOT share!
  • Anonymity does not exist on the internet; remain cautious with your information.

*Merchants processing less than 20,000 Visa e-commerce transactions annually and all other merchants that process up to 1 million Visa transactions annually.


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