xImportant Alerts

Please remember that Jefferson Bank will never contact you and ask you for personal information. Should you ever feel like your information has been compromised, please contact us at (210) 736-7600.


How do I enroll for eStatements?
  1. Login to Jefferson Online Banking
  2. Click on eStatements/eNotices in the left-hand menu bar
  3. Accept the eStatement disclosure
  4. Choose the accounts you want to enroll
  5. Receive your confirmation email
How will I be notified when my eStatement is ready?

You will receive an email to notify you when your statement is ready for your review.  Simply logon to the Online Banking system and click eStatement/Notices to retrieve your statements. 

What eNotices are available to select?

Overdraft Notices are available. Select the eNotices you desire to receive from a list of available notices on the Online Banking system.

Will I receive a copy of my check images with eStatements?

Yes, check images are part of the eStatement service offered by Jefferson Bank.

Can I set up an “Additional Recipient” to receive my eStatement?

Yes, send us a secure message on the Message Center and provide us the following information on the Additional Recipient:  Name, Email Address, Mobile Phone and Account numbers.

How does the “Additional Recipient” retrieve my eStatements?

We will provide you login credentials for your additional recipient. The Additional Recipient simply needs to login with their Login ID and Password to retrieve your eStatement from the eStatement/Notice section on the navigation pane.

How do I cancel an “Additional Recipient” for my eStatements?
  • Click on "Message Center" and Select the "New Message" option.
  • Select "Update Contact Information" in the "To" drop-down menu and send us your updated contact information.
How do I change my address for eStatement/Notices?

Click on the Message Center and select “Update Contact Information” to update your physical address and email address.

Is there a fee for eStatement or eNotice delivery?

No, eStatements and eNotices are offered with no service fees.

Do I need to use Online Banking to enroll for eStatements?

Yes, if you are not already enrolled, enroll for Online Banking first.

What are the benefits of eStatements?
  • Quicker and safer delivery

  • Images of canceled checks are included

  • “Go Green” with less paper

  • Eliminates storage and shredding of paper

  • Additional users may be authorized to view your statements

  • Statement history is available for 24 months

Can Businesses and individuals enroll for eStatements?

Yes, all customers qualify for enrollment

How long are my eStatements or eNotices available?

24 months on your Online Banking profile.

What about the notifications that I currently receive in my paper statements?

You will receive an image of any information or  notice that would be included in a paper statement.

What if I have combined statements?

Your eStatements will also be combined, just like your paper statements

Can I save an electronic copy of the statements to my home computer?

Yes, PDF versions are available if you wish to save or print your statement.

Notices & Disclosures