xImportant Alerts

Please remember that Jefferson Bank will never contact you and ask you for personal information. Should you ever feel like your information has been compromised, please contact us at (210) 736-7600.

Protecting Your Computer and Mobile Device

  • Don’t click on links or attachments in unsolicited emails, especially those asking for personal information.
  • Don’t respond to phone calls or text messages asking for your card number, PIN, security code, or expiration date to be entered.
  • Go directly to websites. The best way to get to any site is to type in the web address (URL) directly into your browser and then bookmark it. Be careful with your spelling.
  • Make sure you only conduct web- based transactions on a “secure” page.
  • Do not click on any unexpected pop-ups or advertisements when browsing. Close these pop-ups by clicking the “X” instead of clicking within the window or advertisement itself.
  • Review your browser security settings and set them to a high enough level to help detect unauthorized downloads. (Click your browser’s “Help” menu for steps).
  • Review your mobile phone security settings. Every device is unique but the following should be common security settings for mobile devices (smartphones)
    • Enable encryption settings
    • Set maximum ‘failed login attempts’ to lock out unauthorized activity.
    • Set device recovery, such as Find My iPhone, to make it possible to retrieve
      lost or stolen devices
    • Update and backup your mobile device periodically. Your device operating
      system needs security updates as well.
  • Create strong and unique passwords that cannot be easily guessed. Passwords should be at least 14 characters and should be promptly changed if you become aware of a breach involving that password. Make passwords complex with various character types such as capital/lower case, numbers, and special characters. Don’t use PINs or passwords that are easy to guess, such as birth dates or spouse, child, or pet names.
  • Keep your computer operating system and browser up-to-date with the latest security updates. Also update third-party software such as Java and Adobe Flash Player. Set them to automatically update.
  • Install and use updated anti-virus/anti-malware protection software to prevent virus, malware, and spyware infections. Common programs include: Microsoft Security Essentials, McAfee VirusScan and Symantec Norton AntiVirus.
  • Install a personal firewall on your computer. A firewall works like a filter that prevents access to information on your computer. Windows computers have a firewall installed by default but be sure it is enabled.

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