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Please remember that Jefferson Bank will never contact you and ask you for personal information. Should you ever feel like your information has been compromised, please contact us at (210) 736-7600.

Login, Passwords and Secure Access Code

When I enter my login name, it won't let me login?

If you cannot access Online Banking or Jefferson Bank Mobile Banking please call us at (210) 736-7230.

What if I can't remember my password?

After entering an incorrect password in the login box, click the "Forgot your password?" link just below the login button. Enter your User ID to receive a new Secure Access Code and reset your password.

What is a Secure Access Code?

A Secure Access Code is a security feature that validates contact information that currently resides on the Bank records, to authenticate your identity.

I want to receive my Secure Access Code via text, but don’t see a phone number listed. How can I add it?

As part of your initial login experience, your Secure Access Code will only be delivered to the contact information on file within our current Online Banking system. Once you have logged in successfully, you can add or edit Secure Access Code delivery methods by clicking on the “Settings” option from the left-hand navigation, selecting “Security Preferences” and clicking on the option for “Secure Access Code Delivery.”

I received a message that says “my Secure Access Code is invalid, or my account has been disabled.” What went wrong”?

If you opt to receive your Secure Access Code via text, you will receive a text from 864-34. Use the Secure Access Code that appears in the message portion of the text, not the number the text is sent from.  If you have requested the Secure Access Code be sent more than once, use the Secure Access Code you received last.

Does my Secure Access Code expire?

Each Secure Access Code is unique and is only valid for a limited time. If you’re not able to enter the Secure Access Code within that time period, you will need to request that a new one be sent.

When my Secure Access Code didn’t come immediately to my email, I requested another one to be sent as text. Which one should I use?

Use the Secure Access Code via the delivery method you requested most recently.

I waited too long to enter my Secure Access Code and now I can’t seem to login. What do I do?

The Secure Access Code is only valid for a limited time. If you’ve “timed out,” just hit the back button to begin again.

Why am I asked to register my computer or mobile device?

This is a security feature to protect your Online Banking session. You should only register your PC or Mobile Device that you own.

Why am I being asked to register my computer every time I login?

If you are being prompted to register your computer every time you login, your browser might not be allowing cookies. Online Banking places a cookie on your computer when you register your browser. This lets Online Banking system know that you have confirmed and trust the computer being used. If you are not accepting cookies, or deleting them, then you will be prompted to register your computer.

Note: If you have a security program that clears your Internet cookies, or if you clear them manually, you will be required to re-register your computer. You may choose to adjust this setting in your browser’s Tools or Internet Options settings and add JeffersonBank.com as a trusted site.

What are “cookies”?

Cookies are small text files placed on your hard drive that permit websites to store information about your visit. In most instances, this information is used to personalize subsequent visits to the website or to remember any personal settings or customization available to you on the site. Most cookies are harmless, particularly when received from websites such as your personal online banking site for your financial institution.

Do I have to retrieve a Secure Access Code each time I try to access Online Banking?

No, if you are accessing Online Banking from a personal/trusted computer, register that device and you will periodically use a Secure Access Code when accessing Online Banking from that device.  

You will have to retrieve a Secure Access Code each time you try to login to Online Banking from a device that is not registered.

What Browser should I use for Online Banking?

To ensure proper functionality, we recommend using the most recent versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari or better for browser software.

How do I determine what browser I am using?

To determine what browser and version you are using follow these simple instructions.

Open your browser, click on Help at the top, select “About” (name of the browser, Help will display the version of the browser you are using).

Can I use my phone/tablet to access Online Banking?

Absolutely. Our new Online Banking system will provide you the ability to bank anytime, anywhere, from any device conveniently and securely. You can download the app on any Android or Apple device, and it will provide a consistent experience with banking from your desktop. If you're on a platform that isn't Android or Apple, you can always access Online Banking via your HTML-compatible mobile browser.

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